The Yellow Watchman Goby is also called the Yellow Prawn, or Yellow Shrimp Goby was first observed around 1936 by Herre. The body and head are yellow-orange, with bright blue spots on the fins and head. The Yellow Watchman Goby has a comical permanent frown and likes to look through the rocks. They've been observed to develop symbiotic relationships with pistol shrimp. It needs a 30 gallon or larger tank with plenty of loose coral and swimming space as well as a sand bottom to allow for digging. It is not known to be aggressive toward other tank mates, however, it is territorial and may be a fierce competitor with its own kind unless a mating pair. It might attempt to leap from the aquarium or through other tiny openings Therefore, a secure lid is essential to prevent escape. A Yellow Watchman Goby diet should include a wide variety of mysis and brine shrimp, table shrimp, as well as frozen meat-based preparations for carnivores. They should be fed at least twice daily.
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