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Yellow Boxfish Puffer is both a vibrant and unique looking. They are also unique in how they move; unlike other fish that have pelvic fins this puffer will use its pectoral fins to move forward and backwards. Their scaleless body makes them sensitive to parameter changes. Like all puffers is not reef safe because they will nip at corals and all invertebrates. Try avoiding tank mates that are slow or have very long fins because this puffer is also a fin nipper. To reduce aggression, provide plenty of hiding places and keep the puffer well fed. Their small adult size of about 4" makes them ideal for smaller aquariums. This puffer is littered with neon blue spots and markings that really make them stand out. Their longer snout also allows them to get into crevices for food. Puffer are found in the Indo-Pacific inhabiting sheltered rocky reefs, lagoons and seaward reefs. Their colorations can vary depending on where they are collected.

  • - Add to an aquarium with ample hiding places
  • - For continued health, provide a varied diet of meaty foods, such as chopped seafood, multiple times a day
  • - Should be fed foods with a shell to wear down their teeth
  • - Not reef safe
  • - Needs semi-aggressive tank mates
  • - Minimum tank size: 50 gallons

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Yellow Boxfish Puffer

SKU: 0290
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