Yellow Boxfish Blue Dot
Boxfish is also referred to as the Yellow Boxfish, as Cube Boxfish. The juvenile form is recognized by its yellow body that is shaped like a box and blue colored spots. When it matures the yellow will fade and the color will change to brown. Cubicus Boxfish is sometimes confused with the Longhorn Cowfish, Lactoria cornuta that is sometimes referred to as the Yellow Boxfish. This is a challenging fish to keep in an aquarium by anyone except a knowledgeable aquarist. It needs to have at least a 125 gallon tank. Take care when you are putting this Spotted Boxfish in a reef tank because they are known to bite at tubeworms. When stressed it can cause Boxfish to release a poisonous substance called ostracitoxin through its mucous glands that can kill other fish very quickly. There has been very little success obtained from breeding these fish in the aquarium. When first introduced, Boxfish is a fan of live bloodworms or brine shrimp. After acclimatization, the diet should consist of squid that has been chopped or clams, mussels, and herbivore recipes.
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