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Yasha Goby Fish

The Yasha White Ray Shrimp Goby, also known as the Yasha Haze Goby or Clown Shrimp Goby is a very unique goby that is not often available in the hobby. A vivid red and white broken striped body with a large dorsal fin and black patch under the jaw sets this fish apart from other gobies. Bright yellow opaque dorsal, anal, and caudal fins make this fish very appealing to most hobbyists. It has the ability to form symbiotic partnerships with most species of pistol shrimp. It provides a watchful eye while the shrimp digs a burrow for them to share. It is best suited for aquariums that are 10 gallons or larger and have adequate hiding places. The aquarium should have a tight-fitting lid to prevent this goby from jumping out. Very passive, this species works well in small groups or as an individual specimen. The Yasha White Ray Shrimp Goby is very hardy and adapts well to reef aquariums, as long as they are maintained with passive tankmates. Ideally, this goby should be the first bottom-dwelling goby added to the established aquarium, so the fish may stake out its territory before other more pugnacious gobies are added. It prefers a bed of fine sand and loose coral rubble to move around and dig its burrow. Feed the Yasha White Ray Shrimp Goby a diet consisting of a variety of fresh or frozen mysis shrimp, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp, and table shrimp and it should be fed at least twice per day.

Yasha Goby Fish

SKU: 0268
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