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Powder Blue Tang, also called The Powder Blue Surgeonfish, has an oval-shaped body and strikingly vibrant, bold markings. It is sought-after for its vivid colors and striking markings with a variety of shades of blue, complemented by white and yellow. A bright, yellow-colored highlights the pectoral and dorsal fins. Striking blue-black lines define the tail and face.A 125-gallon or bigger aquarium is required to give ample swimming space. It can be extremely aggressive with other Tangs and Surgeonfish specifically the ones with similar shapes and colors. It is recommended to be the sole one in the tank, unless in huge systems. Introduce in a single go in the event that more than one species is required to be kept within the same tank.While Tangs can eat meaty foods, it's crucial that they receive ample amounts of seaweed that is marine-based and algae. This will boost your immune system and lessen aggression and improve overall health. Give dried seaweed that is tied to a stone or the veggie clip, and feed them three times a week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products that are simple to make use of.

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Powder Blue Tang Fish

SKU: 0226
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