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This Orangeshoulder Tang is also known as the Orange-epaulette Surgeonfish Orangespot Surgeonfish, Orangeband Surgeonfish as well as Orangeshoulder Surgeonfish. When it is a young fish it's a pure yellow with only the tiniest glimpse of blue fringing around the dorsal and anal fins. In adulthood the front part of the body becomes light gray while the back portion is the dark gray-blue shade. Over the pectoral fins, there is an appealing orange stripe which is defined with the darker gray hue. The tail develops an lyre-like shape. A larger or 180-gallon aquarium is needed to ensure ample space for swimming. It's not aggressive with other Tangs. If you are keeping several, it's recommended to add a young one to the aquarium with an adult. While Tangs can eat meaty meals alongside others in aquariums, it's crucial that they receive ample amounts of seaweed that is marine-based and algae. This will boost the immune system of Tangs, lessen aggression, and improve overall health. Give dried seaweed that is tied to a rock , or the veggie clip and feed them at least three times a week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products and are extremely user-friendly. 

Orange Shoulder Tang

SKU: 0327
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