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The Vlamingii Tang, also known as the Vlaming's Unicornfish, or Bignose Unicornfish has a body of a dark brown to purple color as an adult. As a juvenile, the color shifts from a lighter dorsal, and then darker ventrally. The body has vertical marks and blue highlights. The dorsal fin, the anal fin as well as the tail and face are each intricately elaborately carved in a stunning bright blue. A 360-gallon or bigger aquarium is essential to ensure ample space for swimming and hiding spots. The aquarium must have an elongated lid that prevents the fish from leaping out to escape. The fish is aggressive to other Tangs however, it is peaceful with other fish. It does not cause harm to sessile invertebrates inside the aquarium. While Tangs are known to eat meaty food alongside others in aquariums, it's essential that they get lots of seaweed-derived food from marine sources and algae. This can strengthen their immune system and lessen aggression, and improve overall health. Give dried seaweed that you tie to a rock, or the veggie clip, and feed them at least three times a week. Sea Veggies, Seaweed Salad, and Ocean Nutrition are all ideal products that are easy to prepare.

Naso Vlamingii Tang

SKU: 0326
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