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Naokos' Fairy Wrasse is a native of water that comprise the Indian Ocean. The males tend to be more flashier and brighter than the female. Males in adulthood are colored in white, yellow, and red with black pectoral fin and black blue and red anal dorsal fins. The male in courtship will flaunt its vibrantly colored fins in order to convince its partner. The color of fins can change based on the mood of the fish. The Naokos Fairy wrasse is a calm, active fish that brings energy and color to a reef or fish-only aquarium of 50 gallons or more. If kept in conjunction together with others like Cirrhilabrus or Paracheilinus wrasses, they could become territorialand even dominate species that are similar to them. Naokos Fairy Wrasses will not hurt any corals or other invertebrates which makes them an ideal fish for reef aquariums. They are known to leap, which is why they require a sturdy canopy. The Naokos's diet for Fairy Wrasses should include vitamin-enriched mysis shrimp frozen as well as vitamin-enriched brine shrimp frozen in brine, and other meaty food items, in addition to an excellent marine flake and marine pellets

Naokos' Fairy Wrasse

SKU: 0333
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