Yellow Mimic Tang (Acanthurus pyroferus)
Family: Acanthuridae (Tangs/Surgeonfishes)
Natural Range: Western Pacific Ocean
Depth: 13 to 197 ft. Size: 7.5 in.Jumps: No
Space: 50+ gal.
Reef Safe: YesCare Level: Moderate Temperament: Aggressive
Diet: Algae, zooplankton, detritus
Natural History: Yellow Mimic Tangs are found individually on lagoon and seaward reef zones over coral and rock. Juvenile Yellow Mimic Tangs imitate the color and caudal fin shape of pygmy angelfishes (Centropyge) within their range. As an adult they assume their own color and fin shape.
Husbandry: Yellow Mimic Tangs are algae grazers, and algae must be available for its success in the aquarium. It will likely be intolerant of other Acanthurus tangs in the aquarium.
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SKU: 0378
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