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Mandarin Green Goby Fish

The body and head of Green Mandarin, also known as the Striped Mandarinfish or Green Mandarinfish is a maze-like mixture of orange, blue and green. Males can be distinguished from females due to their longer dorsal spine at the beginning of their body. It is extremely popular among aquarists due to its unique appearance. It is best placed in a, 30 gallon or larger reef tank with live rock, live sand and lots of hiding spots. It's moderately robust in reef aquariums when given the proper care. It's not antagonistic to other fish with the exception of the conspecifics. The Green Mandarin has been known to reproduce with success in aquariums. It is fed by a variety of vitamins-rich live brine shrimp as well as live black worms and prey that naturally feeds on live rocks as well as live sand. 

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Mandarin Green Goby Fish

SKU: 0255
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