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Longhorn Cowfish inhabit the reefs of the Indo-Pacific typically in more turbid waters. The body is yellow to tan and is covered in blue and white dots and it is sometimes known as the Yellow Boxfish. However, the Longhorn isn't to be confused with Ostracion cubicus commonly referred to as the Yellow or Polka Dot Boxfish. If you are in nature, it's not unusual to see a 20" specimen, but in the aquarium, the Longhorn Cowfish tends to be drastically smaller, usually 16" or less. If you can, the Longhorn Cowfish should be the first fish to be introduced in the tank. It's not tolerant of other Longhorns. Therefore, keep the tank large and include some live rock with algae it can scrape. Take care when installing it in a tank that is not fenced. It can bite into tubeworms. If properly housed it is believed that this Cowfish Longhorn is long-lived.   As with other boxfish, the skin of the Cowfish Longhorn is poisonous. If threatened, will release a poison that can kill other tank members, which includes Longhorns.   Longhorn Cowfish are omnivores. Longhorn Cowfish should be offered an assortment of vegetables and meaty foods. They're slow eaters and shouldn't be kept with fast eaters.  

Longhorn Cowfish, Boxfish

SKU: 0398
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