The Lemonpeel Angelfish is a cheery yellow color with sky-blue highlight on lips surrounding the eyes, on the pectoral fins and the edges of the dorsal caudal and the anal fins. In order to avoid confusion with False the Lemonpeel Anglefish (C. heraldi) which lacks blue highlights this angelfish is known as the True Lemonpeel Angelfish. It is believed that the Lemonpeel Angelfish requires a 70 gallon or bigger aquarium, with areas to hide and lots of live rock in order to feed on the microalgae that grows. It's very likely to attack large-polyped mantles and corals. It is recommended not keeping Lemonpeel Angelfish with fish of the same species. Dietary requirements of the Lemonpeel Anglefish should consist of Spirulina as well as marine algae. High quality angelfish preparations Mysis, frozen shrimp as well as other meaty products. This fish requires more seaweed and algae in its diet than other angels.
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