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Lantern Basslet Fish

The Lantern Bass, from the Caribbean is a smaller size within the family and is a good fish for those who are new to fish keeping. The body is covered in brown, black, and orange markings and has an elongated shape. They are resistant to disease and should not be kept in aquariums with small fish or shrimp. A saltwater tank of 30 gallons and has plenty of rock to use for protection is ideal for Lantern Bass. They are a bit aggressive with other tank mates that are smaller and several specimens can be added to an aquarium. They do not attack corals or sessile invertebrates and are great fish to have in a reef aquarium that doesn't include shrimp or small fish.   An extremely hardy fish, the Lantern Bass requires a diet that includes a variety of meaty chopped food as well as vitamin-rich brine, mysis shrimp and flake food. 

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Lantern Basslet Fish

SKU: 0301
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