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Tangs are commonly referred to as surgeon fish due to having a sharp spine that looks like a "scalpel" at the base of their caudal (tail) fin that is used for protection, so use caution when handling. Adults tend to live alone in the wild, so they should not be kept with fish that look similar, like other tangs, though they should be peaceful towards most other tank mates. Species in this genus have a large number of bristle like teeth that are used to scrape organic matter off the reef and substrates. The Blue -Eye Whitetail Bristletooth will grow to be about 6 1/2" in size. Full grown adults of this tang will need around 70 gallons; however, you can get away with smaller aquariums when they are juveniles. This tang has stunning colors and detailed patterns. They inhabit the coral reefs of the Western Central Pacific.- Add to an aquarium with ample swimming room and rockwork for grazing/hiding- For continued health, provide a varied diet of marine meaty foods and algae-based foods- Algae will help strengthen immune system- Should be the only tang within the aquarium- Reef safe: typically, will not disturb mobile and sessile invertebrates

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Kole Blue Eye Tang Fish

SKU: 0205
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