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Keyhole Angelfish

The Tibicen Angelfish also referred to as the Keyhole Angelfish or Melas Angelfish is among the largest species of the Centropyge Genus. A little in comparison to other angelfish The Tibicen Angelfish is mostly a dull blue to brownish-blue. The lower and pelvic portions of the Anal Fins, are colored yellow. The egg-shaped white vertical bar is found in the mid-central body region is what gives it its name. A 70 gallon or larger tank is a must and plenty of live rock to hide and eat. The rock could get a nip at The soft and stony corals (sessile invertebrates) and mantles made of clams. It can Also, filamentous algae feed on and diatoms. It is hermaphroditicand very difficult to reproduce within an aquarium and also has no distinct color differences between males and females. Its diet should also contain Spirulina as well as marine algae. top-quality angelfish, mysis, frozen shrimp, and various meaty foods. Feed 2-3 times daily.

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Keyhole Angelfish

SKU: 0258
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