Jedi Mind Trick Montipora is considered one of the most spectacular Montipora varieties in the hobby. Its sea green body color is accentuated by an intense violet growth edge and hot red polyps. The Mind Trick Monti grows in an encrusting form until it reaches the edge of the rock, where it will begin to plate out horizontally. We have available 1" frags.
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Jedi Mind Trick Montipora (red polyps) SPS coral
Montipora are one of the most diverse SPS corals. They come in a wide variety of shapes and colors and have been a staple in SPS dominated aquariums as well as mixed reef tanks. As for care, they can be sensitive to changes in tank parameters as well as demanding of both high flow and high light for peak health and coloration.Montipora is one of the easier to maintain SPS corals and grows rapidly in the established reef aquarium.