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Male Exquisite Fairy Wrasse is green with vibrant red markings. The bright red markings be different depending on the area where it was taken. There may be blues and yellows, oranges, and even purples on the body, based on the mood. Females typically don't have as prominent markings as males. A 90-gallon or bigger aquarium, only for fish or with an area shaded is advised. The Exquisite Wrasse doesn't attack corals or invertebrates, which makes the perfect fish to be kept in the reef aquarium. They do love to leap, and the proper fitting of a canopy is required. The Exquisite Fairy Worasse diet must include vitamin-enriched frozen mysis shrimps, vitamin-enriched brine shrimp frozen in brine, and other meaty food items, in addition to the highest quality marine flake as well as marine pellets.


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Exquisite Fairy Wrasse Fish

SKU: 0222
Sold Out! Don’t worry! Pre-order. Most of items are available every two weeks. Some of them  limited Stock. 
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