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Diamond Watchman Goby Fish

The Diamond Goby, also known as the Watchman, Pretty Prawn, Maiden, Orange Spotted Diamond, Orange-dashed, and Orangespotted Sleeper Goby. The first time it was discovered was by Tomiyama in the Indo-Pacific Ocean in 1956. The body and head are both white, with spots of orange. It's a fragile fish that is an excellent addition to the tank due to its long-lasting nature. It is recommended to keep it in a 30 gallon or greater aquarium that has live sand for the substrate, as well as an attached refugium populated. Diamond Watchman Goby uses shallow burrows within the substrate as refuges and keeps the substrate oxygenated. It does not usually become aggressive with other tank mates, but it is territorial, and may fight with its own species unless they are a couple. This saltwater fish feeds off the bottom of the tank as it moves in the sand. The diet of the goby should comprise various types of brine shrimp that are frozen, live mysis shrimp, live blackworms, and cooked foods for carnivores. It is recommended to feed it frequently.

Diamond Watchman Goby Fish

SKU: 0274
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