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Antennata Lionfish

The Antennata Lionfish, also known as the Ragged-finned Fish also known as Spotfin Lionfish, has red black, white, and vertical stripes that run along the body. Its most distinctive feature is its fan-shaped, large pectoral fins, as well as the long dorsal fins. They are quill-like and with no connective tissue, which gives them a spiny appearance. A 50-gallon or bigger aquarium with a lot of hiding places is ideal. The shrimp will hide as it adjusts to its new habitat and requires an adequate supply of ghost shrimp. The spines that line the pelvic, dorsal and anal fins are poisonous and cause reactions that are similar to bee stings however, they are stronger. When first introduced into the aquarium, live saltwater feeder shrimp are utilized to lure the fish to consume. After acclimating to the diet, it should include meaty food like living shrimp (including ornamental shrimp) as well as live fish and, sometimes crustacean flesh. 

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Antennata Lionfish

SKU: 0294
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