About Us
coralSLover is young aquaculture business that enjoying grow corals. We are family company located in upstate New York with big plans and opportunity for future. We are going to grow and keep rare corals to recreate the reef...
coralSLover goal is to provide the highest quality aquaculture corals to reef hobbies without destroying nature. We hope to help develop a self sustaining hobby that no longer requires the collection of fish and corals. We sell corals online for best easiest access for everyone get great quality corals in any part of country.
Our corals are fragmented and adapted from two to three months or longer, which significantly reduces the risk of stressful shipment and acclimatization to your new environment aquarium.
From 2024 we have expanded our variety and now we sell salt and fresh water fishes and invertebrates.
coralSLover values all our customers and ready to work individually with each customer us a special way.
Happy shopping!